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PHP Library for AutoCAD DXF Files Reading & Writing 

Open Source PHP CAD Library That Enables Programmers to Read, Edit and Write AutoCAD DXF Files. It Supports Basic DXF Exports & Read Lines from File.

What is DXFighter Library?

DXFighter is a very useful open source PHP library that allows computer programmers to work with AutoCAD DXF Files inside their own PHP applications. AutoCAD DXF is a very popular CAD data file format created by Autodesk for enabling data interoperability between AutoCAD and other software packages. DXFighter is a great tool for basic DXF exports which don't rely on the newest DXF version.

The DXFighter library is user-friendly, making it easy for software developers to use basic diagramming elements in their applications.Entities are elements which are drawn when viewing the DXF file like lines and ellipses so all kind of graphical objects belong to this area of the DXF file. It offers tools for creating Arcs, Circles, Ellipses, Lines, WPolyline, Points, Polyline, Text, Spline, and Insert. Additionally, it enables developers to read Ellipses, Lines, Polyline, Text, Spline, and Insert. This DXFighter library is available under the BSD 3-Clause license.

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Getting Started with DXFighter

The recommended way to install DXFighter is using GitHub. Please use the following command a smooth installation.

Clone DXFighter via NuGet GitHub

git clone https://github.com/enjoping/DXFighter.git  

You can also install it manually; download the latest release files directly from GitHub repository.

Generate AutoCAD DXF Drawing via PHP Library

The open source DXFighter library has incorporated complete functionality for generating AutoCAD DXF documents inside PHP applications. Once the DXF file is created, users can add and manage different kinds of entities inside the drawings such as Arcs, Circles, Ellipses, Lines, WPolyline, Points, Polyline, Text, Spline, and Insert. At the moment the library only allows to add entities and update their properties, other will follow soon.

AutoCAD DXF File Reading inside PHP Apps

The DXFighter library has included a powerful reader that enables software developers to open and read the contents of AutoCAD DXF documents with just a couple of lines of code. At the moment the library has included support for reading some important entities such as Ellipses, Lines, Polyline, Text, Spline and Insert.

How to Read Lines from DXF File via PHP API

The open source DXFighter library allows software developers to open an AutoCAD DXF documents and read some lines from it using just a couple of PHP commands. To achieve this task user need to get the Line object from the Entities array and access its properties. The following example demonstrates how to read lines from DXF File.

How to Read Lines from DXF File via PHP API?

use DXFighter\DXFighter;
$dxf = new DXFighter('some-file.dxf');
echo "Loaded OK.\n";

$entities = $dxf->getEntities();
$line = $entities[0];
$end = $line->getEnd();
echo "Saw line to {$end[0]},{$end[1]},{$end[2]}\n";
