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Aspose.Diagram Cloud SDK for Ruby


Ruby API to Read, Write & Convert Visio Diagrams

A Dominant Ruby Diagraming library allows to integrate Visio diagram Generation, Editing, & Conversion Capabilities into Ruby apps. It allows working with VSD, VSDX, VSS, VSSX, VST & more programmatically.

Diagrams play a crucial role in various industries, from engineering and architecture to business process modeling. These visual representations simplify complex concepts and facilitate communication. If you're looking for a powerful tool to create, manipulate, and convert diagrams in your Ruby applications, Aspose.Diagram Cloud SDK for Ruby is the solution you've been searching for. It can be easily integrated with other cloud services and applications and plays well with various programming languages and platforms, making it a versatile choice for your diagram-related projects.

Aspose.Diagram Cloud SDK for Ruby is a robust and feature-rich API that allows Ruby developers to work with diagrams effortlessly. It is a part of the Aspose Cloud platform, which offers a wide range of cloud-based APIs for document manipulation and conversion. Using the Ruby SDK, Software developers can create, edit, and manipulate diagrams in various popular Microsoft Visio file formats including VSD, VSDX, VSS, VSSX, VTX, VDX, VDW, VST, VSTX, and VSX and many ore, without the need for complex installations or setups. The SDK provides secure and reliable data handling. Your diagrams and sensitive information are protected through encryption and other security measures.

Aspose.Diagram Cloud SDK for Ruby supports exporting diagrams to a variety of formats, including PDF, PNG, JPEG, and HTML. This flexibility ensures that your diagrams can be easily shared and viewed across different platforms. The library empowers software developers to work with diagrams efficiently and effectively. Whether you're building business process diagrams, technical drawings, or any other type of diagram, this SDK streamlines the process and allows you to focus on your application's core functionality. So, give it a try and start designing, editing, and converting diagrams with ease, and take your applications to the next level.

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Getting Started with Aspose.Diagram Cloud SDK for Ruby

The recommend way to install Aspose.Diagram Cloud SDK for Ruby is using RubyGems. Please use the following command for a smooth installation.

Install Aspose.Diagram Cloud SDK for Ruby via RubyGems

gem install aspose_diagram_cloud 
You can also download it directly from Aspose product page.

Visio Diagram Generation via Ruby API

Aspose.Diagram Cloud SDK for Ruby enables software developers to create various types of Visio diagrams from scratch inside Ruby applications. Whether developers need to design flowcharts, organizational charts, or network diagrams, this SDK provides the tools to build complex diagrams programmatically with ease. Moreover, users can manipulate existing diagrams using various features like adding, removing, or updating shapes, connectors, and text elements. This makes it a valuable tool for automating diagram updates and maintenance. The following example shows how software developers can create a Visio VDX diagram using Ruby code.

How to Generate New VDX Diagram inside Ruby Applications?

    # Get your ClientId and ClientSecret from https://dashboard.aspose.cloud (free registration required).

	configuration = AsposeDiagramCloud::Configuration.new
	configuration.app_sid = "MY_CLIENT_ID"
	configuration.app_key = "MY_CLIENT_SECRET"
	configuration.grant_type = "client_credentials"

	api = AsposeDiagramCloud::DiagramApi.new(configuration)

	name = "sample.vdx"
	folder = "my_output"
	is_overwrite = true
	result = api.create_new(name, {:name=>name, :is_overwrite=>is_overwrite, :folder=>folder})

Visio Diagram Conversion to Other File Formats

Aspose.Diagram Cloud SDK for Ruby has included complete support for loading and converting various types of diagrams inside Ruby applications. The Ruby SDK supports exporting diagrams to a variety of formats, including VSD, VSDX, VSS, VSSX, VTX, PDF, XPS, BMP, JPEG, TIFF, EMF, SVG, PNG, XAML, SWF, and HTML and many more. This flexibility ensures that your diagrams can be easily shared and viewed across different platforms. The following example shows how software developers can convert an existing Visio Diagrams to PDF file using Ruby commands.

How to convert a diagram to PDF using Ruby API?

require 'aspose_diagram_cloud'

config = AsposeDiagramCloud::Configuration.new
config.client_id = 'YourClientId'
config.client_secret = 'YourClientSecret'

diagram_api = AsposeDiagramCloud::DiagramApi.new(config)

file_name = 'sample.vsdx'
output_format = 'pdf'

result = diagram_api.convert_diagram(file_name, output_format)
puts result

require 'aspose_diagram_cloud'

config = AsposeDiagramCloud::Configuration.new
config.client_id = 'YourClientId'
config.client_secret = 'YourClientSecret'

diagram_api = AsposeDiagramCloud::DiagramApi.new(config)

file_name = 'sample.vsdx'
output_format = 'pdf'

result = diagram_api.convert_diagram(file_name, output_format)
puts result

Apply Format & Style to Visio Diagrams via Ruby

Aspose.Diagram Cloud SDK for Ruby provides the capability to apply various types of styling and formatting to different of part a Visio Diagrams inside Ruby applications. The SDK enables users to customize the appearance of their diagrams with ease. Change shapes' colors, fonts, and styles to make your diagrams visually appealing and informative. Being cloud-based, the Cloud SDK eliminates the need for complex on-premises infrastructure. Whether you need to generate diagrams from scratch or manipulate existing ones, this SDK offers a robust set of features.