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Free JavaScript API to Add, Manage & Manipulate Dynamic Lists

Open Source JavaScript Library that Enables Software developers to Add Search, Sort, Delete, Filters and Flexibility to Tables, Lists and Various HTML Elements inside JS Applications.

In the realm of web development, presenting data in an organized and user-friendly manner is crucial. Whether you're creating a product catalog, a sortable table, or any other type of list, managing and displaying data efficiently can be a challenging task. This is where JavaScript libraries like List.js come into play. It is a versatile and powerful JavaScript library that simplifies the process of creating dynamic lists, allowing developers to add features like sorting, filtering, and searching to their web applications with ease.

List.js is an open-source JavaScript library that provides a simple yet robust way to manage and manipulate HTML lists. It empowers software developers to enhance the user experience by making lists interactive, sortable, and filterable without the need for extensive code. There are several important features part of the library such as support for sorting and filtering lists, adding built-in search feature, split your list into multiple pages, custom CSS or event handling, dynamic list filtering, create custom templates for your list items and many more.

One of the standout features of the List.js library is its ability to work seamlessly with HTML, requiring minimal changes to your existing markup. This makes it an ideal choice for enhancing the functionality of lists on your website or web application without significant restructuring. List.js is a powerful JavaScript library that simplifies the process of working with dynamic lists in web applications. Its ease of integration, along with features like dynamic filtering, sorting, and pagination, makes it a valuable tool for developers. Whether you're building a personal project or working on a large-scale web application, List.js can save you time and effort, improving the user experience along the way.

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Getting Started with List.js

The recommended way to install List.js is using NPM. Please use the following command for a smooth installation.

Install List.js Library via NPM

npm install list.js 

You can also install it manually; download the latest release files directly from GitHub repository.

Create Dynamic Lists using JavaScript API

The open source List.js library has included complete support for creating and managing lists inside JavaScript applications. There are several important features that allows software developers to add new lists, add and manage tables, view and modify existing list, get contents of an existing list, pagination support, apply Filter in range, Search in specific column, and many more. The following example shows how users can create a dynamic list that can be filtered based on user input.

How to Create a Dynamic List & Apply Filter inside It via JavaScript Library?

  • Hello
  • World
  • List.js

Sorting and Filtering Lists via JavaScript

The JavaScript List.js library gives software developers the ability to sort and filter lists inside their JavaScript applications. The library excels at sorting and filtering lists. With just a few lines of code, the library can enable users to sort lists by any criteria and filter them based on specific conditions. This is incredibly useful for creating dynamic product catalogs, sortable tables, or any content-rich lists that users need to navigate. The following example shows how software developers can sort lists inside their JavaScript applications.

How to Sort Lists inside JavaScript Applications?

var options = {
  valueNames: ['name', 'category', 'price'],

var myList = new List('my-list', options);

Searching Through Lists via JS API

The open source List.js library has provided complete support for adding searching functionality inside JavaScript applications. Searching through lists is a common requirement in many web applications. The library simplifies this process by providing a built-in search feature that instantly filters results as user’s type. It's fast and efficient, ensuring a smooth user experience. The following example shows how software developers can add searching functionality inside their JavaScript applications.

How to Perform Through Lists via JavaScript API?

 var options = {
  valueNames: ['name', 'category', 'price'],

var myList = new List('my-list', options);

document.getElementById('search').addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {