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Open Source .NET Library to Create & Manipulate PPTX Presentations

Free .NET Library allows to Create, Read, Modify & Manipulate PowerPoint PPTX Presentations with ease. It Supports Inserting Slide, Text, Line, Hyperlink & Table via C# API.

PowerPoint presentations have become an essential part of our professional as well as personal lives. They are the cornerstone of communication, but manipulating them programmatically has often been a big challenge. However, with the introduction of ShapeCrawler, a powerful. .NET library tailored for PowerPoint, this landscape has shifted dramatically. It opens doors to a world of possibilities, empowering software developers and programmers to effortlessly navigate, extract, modify, and manipulate PowerPoint presentations in a programmatic, efficient, and structured manner.

ShapeCrawler is an open source .NET library that enables software developers to create and manipulate PowerPoint PPT and PPTX presentations programmatically inside their own .NET applications. It provides a very efficient and powerful methods for accessing, modifying, and analyzing PowerPoint slides, shapes, and their attributes. The library allows developers to automate their repetitive tasks, extract data from presentations, or create dynamic reports, the library can be a valuable addition to their toolkit.

ShapeCrawler simplifies the process of accessing and handling PowerPoint documents. With just a couple of lines of .NET code, software professionals can open and load various types of presentations, iterate through slides, and interact with individual shapes, merge multiple slides, insert image to a slide, and many more. It can generate automated reports as well as presentations from data, confirming reliability and accuracy. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a newcomer to PowerPoint manipulation in .NET, ShapeCrawler opens a gateway to efficiency, allowing for the seamless integration of PowerPoint functionalities into your applications.

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Getting Started with ShapeCrawler

The recommend way to install ShapeCrawler is using NuGet. Please use the following command for a smooth installation.

Install ShapeCrawler via NuGet

 install-package ShapeCrawler

Manipulate Presentation via .NET API

The open source ShapeCrawler library allows software developers to process PowerPoint PPTX presentations without having Microsoft Office installed. The library simplifies the process of accessing PowerPoint files with just a couple of lines of .NET code. Software Developers can open an existing presentation, iterate through its slides, insert images into a slide, get text holder auto shape, auto-fit text, add and update hyperlink, interact with individual shapes and many more. The following example shows how software developers can handle images in presentation inside .NET applications.

How to Insert Picture inside Presentation using .NET API?

using var pres = SCPresentation.Open("picture.pptx");

// get picture shape
var picture = pres.Slides[0].Shapes.GetByName("Picture 1");

// change image

// get MIME type of image, eg. "image/png"
var mimeType = picture.Image.MIME;


Work with Images & Charts in Presentation

The open source ShapeCrawler library has provided complete support for working with images and charts inside presentations. Handling images and multimedia elements within presentations becomes a streamlined process with library. The library is designed to work with various versions of PowerPoint, making it a versatile choice for .NETs developers. The library facilitates tasks like, inserting new images, replacing existing images, adjusting images properties, or even extracting them for external use. Here is an example that demonstrates how software developers can update properties of a Chart inside presentation using .NET API.

How to Update Properties of a Chart inside Presentation via .NET API?

using var pres = SCPresentation.Open("helloWorld.pptx");
var slide = pres.Slides.First();

// get chart
var chart = (IChart)slide.Shapes.First(sp => sp is IChart);

// print chart title
if (chart.HasTitle)

if (chart.Type == SCChartType.BarChart)
    Console.WriteLine("Chart type is BarChart");

// update category
chart.Categories[0].Name = "Price";

Manage Text & Extract Data from Presentation via .NET

ShapeCrawler library allows users to easily modify the properties of shapes and text within PowerPoint slides via .NET API. Whether you need to update text content, change the position of shapes, or manipulate their attributes, this library provides a straightforward API to make these changes. One of the most valuable use cases of ShapeCrawler library is extracting data from presentation. The library has provided very powerful features for managing text and other relevant data inside PowerPoint presentation via .NET API. Software developers can programmatically extract data from PowerPoint presentations, making it an excellent tool for generating reports or transforming presentation content into other formats, such as Excel or PDF. The following example shows how to replace text in the first slide of the presentations.

How to Replace All Text on the First Slide of Presentation via .NET API?

using var pres = SCPresentation.Open("some.pptx");
var textFrames = pres.Slides[0].GetAllTextFrames();

foreach (var textFrame in textFrames)
    textFrame.Text = "some text";
